Dan Next imports products from companies that meet international standards. The company imports high quality chocolates, baked goods and preserves, including big-name brands such as Heidi, Torino and Gullón, as well as premium products such as gourmet olives and donuts.
The company markets these products at 1,500 sales points in Israel and the Palestinian Authority, including at major supermarket chains, convenience stores, wholesalers, gas station stores and kiosks.
Dan Next specializes in identifying quality sales points and managing a organic and innovative distribution network that includes trucks, drivers, agents, a large warehouse and warehouse and product managers.
Every day our agents leave the warehouse and go to visit the sales points, making sure that all our end clients throughout the country receive the highest standards of quality products and service.
Dan Next is a subsidiary of Tasa Candy House, the largest and best-known candy store chain in Israel. The entire company is family owned and has a reputation among Israeli consumers for quality and overseas suppliers who appreciate the company’s over 40 years of experience and success in this field.
Imports from around the world
The experience and knowledge we have accumulated over the years is expressed in the winning flavors and quality of our products and our exceptional ability to recognize outstanding products from around the world that are perfectly suited to Israeli tastes.
Marketing and advertising
We choose the best quality brands in the world, think up exciting and innovative branding and market the products to hundreds of sales points in Israel…all that’s left for you to do is taste and enjoy.
Purchasing power in Israel
We know how to introduce new and exciting brands, to adapt them to the heart and palate of the Israeli consumer and turn the products into a success story.
Service and Quality
We do not settle for less than the best for the Israeli consumer. All our high quality products arrive fresh from the factories abroad, directly to the store shelves, and the result is a rich, delicious and delightful culinary experience.
The brands that everyone loves to taste!